Friday, June 6, 2008

Reasons I hate World of Warcraft

Reasons I really hate the game World of Warcraft. *Note, I really, really love my husband. He just has an addiction and I wish I knew how to detox him.

1. Whoever plays is then lost to it. They say "I'll just be a few minutes" and then hours later they are still mesmerized by it. They can't stop even if they want to.

2. There is a whole new stupid language that has to do with ganking, raids, palis, gear, and who the heck knows what they are talking about except other players.

3. It never ends. Even when they've reached the highest level it keeps going and going and going.

4. I don't know what it is about it, but when I watch my husband play I want to claw my eyeballs out. It is so annoying to me.

5. Its a pretend world. Hello? If you put half that much effort into things that really matter then you'd get a lot done. :)